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Foundation Coaching School offers a wide range of language classes, with a focus on IELTS A1 Life Skills, Academic, and General Training. Furthermore, the curriculum contains short English-Speaking Courses that address important language skills such as Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Listening. Our primary goal is to provide individuals with the skills required for productive communication and success in language exams.


Everyone is cordially invited to our English-Speaking Course. This course is specifically created for students who wish to study English from the ground up and master the skills and fluency in the language. If your objective is to become fluent in English, this course is for you. This course will take you from beginner to expert. This course is intended with the needs of average people in mind, assisting them to communicate in various settings while also improving their knowledge.
This would be an experience that would help you become competent in terms of vocabulary, expressing ideas, facing interviews, and participating in social events through advice, explanations, and practical exercises. English as a second or foreign language (ESP) is a subset of English for certain purposes. It refers to teaching English to university students or those who are already employed, with emphasis on the specific terminology and abilities required.



The IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training tests serve different functions. The IELTS Academic test is geared for university applications, whilst the IELTS General test is for migration. It is critical to examine the
requirements of your target organization before scheduling your examination. Select the appropriate test to help you reach your objectives.
Many IELTS candidates are perplexed about which one to take, owing to the seemingly limitless options. IELTS Academic vs General – What is the distinction between IELTS Academic and IELTS General? Which
exam should I take? IELTS Academic vs. General for PR in Canada? There are many such queries on sites like Quora, but the replies are either promotional or excessively general. So, we decided to construct this thorough guide to address all of your queries about which exam to take.

“The primary distinction between IELTS academic and IELTS general is that the Academic test will cover themes appropriate for anyone entering university or professional institutions, whereas the General Training test will cover issues of broad interest.”


What is IELTS for UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI)?

IELTS for UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) is a Secure English Language Test (SELT) that the UK home office has certified for visa applications to the UK.

What is the difference between IELTS and IELTS UKVI? And is there a difference in the test format between IELTS and IELTS for UKVI?

The Academic for UKVI test is identical to the Academic test in terms of content, structure, score, and difficulty level. The UKVI test is administered at a UKVI-approved test center that adheres to the administrative standards set by the UK Home Office. If you take the IELTS for UKVI, your Test Report Form (TRF) will look slightly different. The same is true for IELTS General Training for UKVI.

Academic IELTS for UKVI

If you want to study in the UK, most British institutions and colleges recognize IELTS Academic for UKVI results. ELTS Academic for UKVI is for people who want to take the test and pursue undergraduate or graduate courses in the UK on a student visa, as well as those who want to gain professional registration in the UK.

UKVI IELTS General Training

IELTS General Training for the United Kingdom VI applies to test takers who want to immigrate to the UK under specified visa categories, as well as those who want to train or study at a lower level than a bachelor’s degree.



IELTS Life Skills is an English language test that measures speaking and listening abilities at the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) levels A1, A2, or B1. It can be used to apply for a ‘family of a settled person’ visa, visa extension, indefinite leave to remain in the UK, or citizenship. This course is meant for people who need to demonstrate their listening and speaking skills. We are here to assist individuals in obtaining the outcomes they deserve.
We’ve put together a variety of resources to help you prepare for the test, from sample papers to audio exercises. The outcomes of IELTS Life Skills differ from those of IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. There will be no band score, only a pass or fail result. If you earn a pass, it implies you can utilize your exam results for your visa application. Life Skills A1 is required for people seeking “family of a settled person” visas, whereas Life Skills B1 is required for those seeking indefinite leave to remain or citizenship. The examinations range in length from 16 to 22 minutes.


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We teach our students to be professional, talented persons who are prepared for the modern world while also being connected to the communities in which they live and work. 

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